Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
NDM 18
WTA Tour agrees record rights deal worth £335m over 10 years
The Women's Tennis Association has signed a new record media rights contract that it says will be worth more than £335m ($525m) over 10 years. This channel will be showing singles matches, which is around 2,000 fixtures, for the first time.
Before, only 1 out of three matches were broadcasted
According to some people this deal is a "game changer"
The WTA and Perform are forming WTA Media, which will produce all main-draw matches in singles, along with the semi-finals and finals in doubles at every tour event.
In my opinion, this is a good way for females to get into tennis as it is being broadcasted. In the sport of tennis, women are now on a level playing field with men. Now both men and women get the same prize money after each tournament, and also now are broadcasted more.
NDM 17
John Seven: Poor journalism does a disservice to us all
The fallout over the Rolling Stone apology regarding its story on the University of Virginia rape case has continued.
For those who missed it, Rolling Stone issued an apology over a piece about an alleged gang rape, citing inconsistencies of the sources' story casting extreme doubt about the accusation. As scrutiny was placed on the particulars of the reporting, it became obvious that writer Sabrina Rubin Erdely had not done a very good job of substantiating any claims, cross-referencing stories or doing much more than taking the victim at face value. It's the job of the police, trauma counselors and others to take the victim's story at face value as a true claim, but it is the responsibility of investigators, whether law enforcement or journalistic, to seek the truth.
In my opinion, I think that journalism when its not being done to help or give information is pointless. This is because if there is no story, a journalist may put a comment into someones mouth, casing a big scene and uproar. This may jeopardise someones future which is detrimental to a persons life
Friday, 5 December 2014
Exam Paragraph
I think that new and digital media
provides the audience with so much more power than ever before. Castells point
of “culture of freedom” taps into my point as there are many was to now access the
media, such as the internet, social media, mobile phones, which enables us to
find out information and read the news. There are also many ways we can access
the news. It is now even easier to do so now. We have newspapers, online
websites and apps on our phone. There are also many different sites to do so. For
example, News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch’s company have subscription for their
news, but some newspapers have a website which is for free. People can watch
what they want, which brings me onto the Blumer and Katz theory of uses and
gratification. People may watch the news and other types of media due to what
they are looking for in a show or news station. The main things in this theory are entertainment, surveillance, personal identification
and relationships. This means people can watch what they want according
to their pretences and values.
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Yes, newsrooms are shrinking — but journalism is growing
This article is an article that shows journalism is growing whilst newsrooms decrease. New York Times newsroom, with the paper essentially paying about 100 staffers to leave, by compensating them with up to three weeks of salary for every year they were employed. This means that there is an increase in citizen journalism which leads to journalism companies growing. This is because, it decrease cost, but also gives them stories and footage which allows them to use, for free or very little cost. In my opinion, I believe that although journalism is growing, newsrooms should be growing too, in order to allow journalist to do what they do best. And if they cant get into a job which they are qualified for, there was no point them taking time out to do so.
NDM 16
Mario Balotelli sorry for 'offensive' social media post
On Monday, Mario Balotelli posted a picture in social media which caused uproar. below, was the picture he posted and later removed due to the stick he received virally. The picture seems like a funny picture to prevent racism, but the bottom of the picture says "and grabs coins like a Jew." This is the part of the picture people found racist.
In my opinion, I believe, it was a good gesture, received in the wrong way. This is because Mario Balotelli later claimed his mother is Jewish, implying, the was no malice in the picture, and it was just a little bit of a joke for a good cause.Due to the comments he received, Balotelli later took it down and apologised as he realised how his picture could have been taken out of context. I think it should have not got this much publicity on the news, because it wasn't that major. Its just another reason for Mario Balotelli to receive negative publicity.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
NDM 15
French journalism school executive accused of plagiarism
The executive director of a journalism school has been suspended after being accused of plagiarism.
Agnès Chauveau apparently cut and pasted parts of articles that had appeared in a newspaper called Le Monde and other French publications for her columns published on the Huffington Post website.
Bruno Patino, director of the school at the respected Institute of Political Sciences, known as Sciences Po, wrote to students and staff on Monday saying the allegations could not be taken lightly. “Plagiarism is a serious matter in journalism,” he said in an email.
Plagiarism is wrong, and now this journalism school, is going to be under attack due to what a person who is very high up in the school has done. That is a school boy error that Students are not allowed to do let alone a executive director. This will now give a negative representation on this school causing less people to be interested in it for the right reasons.
NDM 14
Don’t Blame Social Media for Ferguson’s Troubles.
St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch, made a controversial comment, in regards to the shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, of Michael Brown (pictured). He claimed social media was to blame for the change of stories that were told by some of the witnesses. Social media apparently wavered peoples statement due to the claims that the shooting was a racist attack. He also blamed it for the 24 hour news institutions getting a bad representation.
The article also says that social media is not to be blamed for the riots and after events of Ferguson as the social media gave another view that news channels were not able to give that same live view because there were objects that were hurled at institutions, causing them to retreat.
In my opinion, I think social media is not to blame, but social media always makes opinions and stories escalate, due to the amount of people who are able to read it and get views and opinions from other people. Truthfully, if there was no access to opinions about the Ferguson, alot of people would have no idea that this happened, because alot of youth get their news from social media.
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
NDM 13
Sheffield United will Ban Jessica Ennis-Hill Twitter Trolls for Life
ArticleDue to Jess Ennis' statement about Ched Evans, she was cursed for her statements. on Twitter Sheffield United fans said "they wished she was raped too" That remarked caused an uproar around the football scene because she didnt deserve to be treated in that way. In my opinion, the tweets were very rude and should be
dealt with by the club and the police due to the severity.
NDM 12
In this article, an online magazine narrative journalism is set to launch this month, but its founders claim they will take no notice of traffic as they care about stories, not "clicks". It will also not feature any ads which means they would be not be making any money from ad, which newspapers were known for in the past.
This is good because it seems like an honest magazine which we are seeing less of since the Sun and other newspaper companies went subscription
Web 2.0 Participation and Hegemony
1) Research the Ian Tomlinson case. What would the traditional, hegemonic view of the police be in a case like this? How did new and digital media create a different story? What does the police officer's subsequent aquittal suggest about the power of new and digital media?
The traditional is that policemen, and public service workers get away with murder. The new and digital media created a different story due to introduction of user generated content in which people can now film events happening and this happened as this case was seen and uploaded on YouTube and as a result the policeman had to suffer some consequences. Even though he got done for manslaughter he still got away with it showing that the police will still get away with stuff and if we try to question their judgement we could be seen as breaking the law.
2) What does the author argue regarding whether hegemony is being challenged by Web 2.0?
The author argues that alot of online media are corrupt. this is because of Yahoo displaying Nazi images, which is immoral in France and the indoctrination of people on social media.
3) In your opinion, does new and digital media reinforce dominant hegemonic views or give the audience a platform to challenge them?
The traditional is that policemen, and public service workers get away with murder. The new and digital media created a different story due to introduction of user generated content in which people can now film events happening and this happened as this case was seen and uploaded on YouTube and as a result the policeman had to suffer some consequences. Even though he got done for manslaughter he still got away with it showing that the police will still get away with stuff and if we try to question their judgement we could be seen as breaking the law.
2) What does the author argue regarding whether hegemony is being challenged by Web 2.0?
The author argues that alot of online media are corrupt. this is because of Yahoo displaying Nazi images, which is immoral in France and the indoctrination of people on social media.
3) In your opinion, does new and digital media reinforce dominant hegemonic views or give the audience a platform to challenge them?
I think that digital media reinforce both views because people are trapped in the online world by google, but google give oppurtinites to allow people to make it in the online industry. The audince can challange them, but because the are so big and needed to make the internet the internet, regardless of the press they get, they still will be used and valued
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
1.Iphone 6 plus
2.Digital journalism
3.Impact of new media
4.Celebrity nudes
5.Premier league coverage
6.Twitter gives clues to help find murderers
7.Social media friends
8.Terrorist on social media
9.Page 3 ad banned
10.Racism on twitter
14.NDM 14
2.Digital journalism
3.Impact of new media
4.Celebrity nudes
5.Premier league coverage
6.Twitter gives clues to help find murderers
7.Social media friends
8.Terrorist on social media
9.Page 3 ad banned
10.Racism on twitter
14.NDM 14
NDM No.11
How can football tackle the social media hate merchants?
This article is talking about the many ways we can combat racism on social media after Yaya Toure was racially abused on Twitter.
The leaders say twitter is being tackled about the situation, but its not being tackled hard enough according to alot of the players.
I think twitter is a site that people can be racist on without any major repercussions, this allows more people to carry on doing it and it doesn't get tackled in anyway which means there would not be an ending in this situation
Friday, 7 November 2014
News article number 10
Sun Page 3 girl ad banned for sexism
ArticleThis article shows that the sun newspaper have banned an ad that allows one lucky person to go on a date with a page 3 model. This ad was subsequently banned due to the objectification of women as men are gambling to meet the models whom are naked on a daily basis, implying they are cheap and quick.
In my opinion, I think that the ad should have not been banned, because it is only objectifying women who have asked to be objectified, by sending a picture of their selves daily to stimulate the type if guys who will gamble to win a date with them
The rise and rise of UGC
Tsunami in 2004
Los Angeles police officers beat up a man after a high speed chase
London bombings
Benefits to institutions
Its cost nearly nothing for institutions to get videos from citizens, which means they will not have to fork out money on professionals to do the job for them. It may be exclusive, which means people will have to go onto that particular institution's channel to see that footage.
Benefits to audience
The footage has less chance of being biased and staged, which makes the audience more inclined to believe the news is true.
Wider issues and debates
What happens to the journalist if more and more citizen footage becomes available?
Will citizen journalist get paid as its becoming more and more of a help to institutions?
Social media now sees videos before the news, meaning that news isnt breaking anymore due to the amount of people knowing about it.
Camera phones were limited so, it was harder to video events. Therefore the was less citizen journalism before.
Right now it cost alot less to get a citizen video than it does for a professional to video the scene where the drama has already happened.
What is meant by the term ‘citizen journalist’?
A: The concept of citizen journalism is based upon public citizens "playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing, and disseminating news and information
What was one of the first examples of news being generated by ‘ordinary people’?
A: The LAPD beating up a man, got caught on video
List some of the formats for participation that are now offered by news organisations.
A:message boards, chat room, Q and A, have your says, blog, social media
What is one of the main differences between professionally shot footage and that taken first-hand (UGC)?
What is a gatekeeper?
A :A gatekeeper is an organisation who decides what is shown on the news. They have the final say.
How has the role of a gatekeeper changed?
What is one of the primary concerns held by journalists over the rise of UGC?
Tsunami in 2004
Los Angeles police officers beat up a man after a high speed chase
London bombings
Benefits to institutions
Its cost nearly nothing for institutions to get videos from citizens, which means they will not have to fork out money on professionals to do the job for them. It may be exclusive, which means people will have to go onto that particular institution's channel to see that footage.
Benefits to audience
The footage has less chance of being biased and staged, which makes the audience more inclined to believe the news is true.
Wider issues and debates
What happens to the journalist if more and more citizen footage becomes available?
Will citizen journalist get paid as its becoming more and more of a help to institutions?
Social media now sees videos before the news, meaning that news isnt breaking anymore due to the amount of people knowing about it.
Camera phones were limited so, it was harder to video events. Therefore the was less citizen journalism before.
Right now it cost alot less to get a citizen video than it does for a professional to video the scene where the drama has already happened.
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
News article week 6
"How terrorists are using social media"
This article is about the way ISIS is using social media to tweet and post things up to get a reaction and become more known around the world. This is because there is no censorship in social media, meaning they can say what they want without any real repercussions. Also, so many people are on social media which means they can see, those tweets and pictures which means they will be getting infamous coverage. But all press is good press, meaning they are now becoming bigger due to social media and spreading fear around our world.
News Values
Immediacy: has it happened recently?
Familiarity in my opinion is less important, this is because social media has become more and more international, meaning that news stories are now online before they are in the news, meaning the news may have to search for different news in different places.
Amplitude: is it a big event or one which involves large numbers of people?
Big event stories have been taken over by websites and social media, meaning other news sources have to put an extra spin on the story by bringing in other people to shed their expertise on the story.
Frequency: did the event happen fairly quickly?
Frequency is very important, because breaking news stories are harder to come by due to social media. So news sources have to rely on events that happen quite quickly n order to report breaking news. This is because if social media gets it first, its not regarded as "breaking"
Unambiguity: is it clear and definite?
This is now harder for news sources to figure this out because social media and newspaper websites allow comments, which means there are many sides and avenues that people can now read, leaving a many sides to an argument meaning other news sources may get confused.
Predictability: did we expect it to happen?
On social media, different people are more in the public eye, so when they tweet or caption something, people can try and look into it, meaning when they do something wrong, it could have been a build up of something that the tweeted about.
Surprise: is it a rare or unexpected event?
I think there is surprise on social media as well as news because there is only a certain amount of journalism someone can do, meaning there can be certain issues like unexpected deaths that journalist couldn't get to until the story was released.
Continuity: has this story already been defined as news?
There is a lot of stories that can be seen as continuity on social media as there is always more news from someone on social media. Depending on whether it gets enough coverage, it may get on to other news sources.
Elite nations and people: which country has the event happened in? Does the story concern well-known people?
Big countries in the world like America it would get more coverage on social networking than countries such as a smaller one. If it is America it would affect most people in the world including us in the UK, due to trade, however if it was Grenada, it wouldn't affect as many people. People in Grenada may be tweeting it, but it wouldn't trend and other people wouldn't see it.
Negativity: is it bad news?
I think by having social media, anything can be bad news, depending on the points of views people have, however, depending on the majority, news sources will have to see if most people think it is bad news or not.
Balance: the story may be selected to balance other news, such as a human survival story to balance a number of stories concerning death.
Immediacy is more important than ever due to news breaking on Twitter or elsewhere online. However, this in turn changes the approach of other news sources such as newspapers as the news will probably already be broken so different angles might be required. Newspapers now contain more comment or opinion rather than the breaking story.
Familiarity: is it culturally close to us in Britain?Familiarity in my opinion is less important, this is because social media has become more and more international, meaning that news stories are now online before they are in the news, meaning the news may have to search for different news in different places.
Amplitude: is it a big event or one which involves large numbers of people?
Big event stories have been taken over by websites and social media, meaning other news sources have to put an extra spin on the story by bringing in other people to shed their expertise on the story.
Frequency: did the event happen fairly quickly?
Frequency is very important, because breaking news stories are harder to come by due to social media. So news sources have to rely on events that happen quite quickly n order to report breaking news. This is because if social media gets it first, its not regarded as "breaking"
Unambiguity: is it clear and definite?
This is now harder for news sources to figure this out because social media and newspaper websites allow comments, which means there are many sides and avenues that people can now read, leaving a many sides to an argument meaning other news sources may get confused.
Predictability: did we expect it to happen?
On social media, different people are more in the public eye, so when they tweet or caption something, people can try and look into it, meaning when they do something wrong, it could have been a build up of something that the tweeted about.
Surprise: is it a rare or unexpected event?
I think there is surprise on social media as well as news because there is only a certain amount of journalism someone can do, meaning there can be certain issues like unexpected deaths that journalist couldn't get to until the story was released.
Continuity: has this story already been defined as news?
There is a lot of stories that can be seen as continuity on social media as there is always more news from someone on social media. Depending on whether it gets enough coverage, it may get on to other news sources.
Elite nations and people: which country has the event happened in? Does the story concern well-known people?
Big countries in the world like America it would get more coverage on social networking than countries such as a smaller one. If it is America it would affect most people in the world including us in the UK, due to trade, however if it was Grenada, it wouldn't affect as many people. People in Grenada may be tweeting it, but it wouldn't trend and other people wouldn't see it.
Negativity: is it bad news?
I think by having social media, anything can be bad news, depending on the points of views people have, however, depending on the majority, news sources will have to see if most people think it is bad news or not.
Balance: the story may be selected to balance other news, such as a human survival story to balance a number of stories concerning death.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
This article was a bout a BBC presenter saying that social media can be used by Muslims to fight against terrorism and extremism. This is because of the racial stereotype put on Muslims. She also talks about the division of people and putting people into categories which she thinks is wrong and believes people should be one. Asked what she would call herself, she said: “I would say simply British. I feel it’s a shame that we have started to divide people much more."
In my opinion, I think it is a good idea, as it will get alot of support if you use the social media to help people stop putting Muslim people into a box
This article was a bout a BBC presenter saying that social media can be used by Muslims to fight against terrorism and extremism. This is because of the racial stereotype put on Muslims. She also talks about the division of people and putting people into categories which she thinks is wrong and believes people should be one. Asked what she would call herself, she said: “I would say simply British. I feel it’s a shame that we have started to divide people much more."
In my opinion, I think it is a good idea, as it will get alot of support if you use the social media to help people stop putting Muslim people into a box
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Build The Wall analysis
Section 1
This section spoke about the New York Times and the Washington Post's publishers and how they have the power to change to save "high-end journalism" and how the internet is to blame for the recent failure in print and newspaper companies.
"A monopoly! Exactly the right way to go - can I get some fries with that? "
This is true to a certain extent because if all paywall prices are the same, people are more inclined to buy the more well known newspaper, meaning only one or two newspaper companies will recive sales for their newspaper online.
"Let's see if I understand the major points here:
My opinion
I think that paywall seems like a good idea, as long as all newspapers do it, if not, they will not make money if there is online news going out for free. I will not pay for news, due to my disposible income, and because i can use BBC news to get news for free and it is a news source that is unbiased.
Section 2
In this section, its was shown to the readers, the different avenues that could be explored by the Washington Post and the New York Tomes as they try to win back the profits for all newspaper companies as those to are the major ones, meaning they have the ability to change the industry.
Section 3
In this section, there was a bit of reminiscing going on about the way the internet use to be, a little business plan. Also, in this section it talked about different ways to make profit, such as putting the hard copy price up, which makes readers go online and pay for a subscription which is cheaper.
In this section, there was a bit of reminiscing going on about the way the internet use to be, a little business plan. Also, in this section it talked about different ways to make profit, such as putting the hard copy price up, which makes readers go online and pay for a subscription which is cheaper.
Section 4
This section is about what would happen to the Washington Post and the New York Times if they were going to go online and paywall in the future
David Simon's overall argument
I think David Simon believes in order for the newspaper business to move forward, they need to embrace and adapt to the new online subscription. In order to make profit, he believes the newspaper companies need to increase their prices of hard copies and have a cheaper price for online subscriptions, allowing them to make profit either way. He also believes, that if the Washington Post or the New York Times does something, other newspaper companies will follow, therefore they have the power to make other people do the same thing as the two major newspapers, therefore leaving a bit of hope for the newspaper industry. Simon also shows us how realistic having a paywall can be if the quality if the newspaper is the same. He feels that the quality of newspaper needs to increase if they want to have a successful paywall because there are other news sites such as BBC which offer content for free. Also, he feels that if all newspapers have a paywall, meaning that there is very few sources to get free news, the newspaper industry can thrive, but only if they do all so. He also feels that the big, known newspapers will get all the profits, because the news is near enough the same, and whats the point of subscribing to tow or more newspapers with the same content, as you can save money on only subscribing to a large newspaper, which has all the main stories from smaller newspapers.
I think David Simon believes in order for the newspaper business to move forward, they need to embrace and adapt to the new online subscription. In order to make profit, he believes the newspaper companies need to increase their prices of hard copies and have a cheaper price for online subscriptions, allowing them to make profit either way. He also believes, that if the Washington Post or the New York Times does something, other newspaper companies will follow, therefore they have the power to make other people do the same thing as the two major newspapers, therefore leaving a bit of hope for the newspaper industry. Simon also shows us how realistic having a paywall can be if the quality if the newspaper is the same. He feels that the quality of newspaper needs to increase if they want to have a successful paywall because there are other news sites such as BBC which offer content for free. Also, he feels that if all newspapers have a paywall, meaning that there is very few sources to get free news, the newspaper industry can thrive, but only if they do all so. He also feels that the big, known newspapers will get all the profits, because the news is near enough the same, and whats the point of subscribing to tow or more newspapers with the same content, as you can save money on only subscribing to a large newspaper, which has all the main stories from smaller newspapers.
"You must both also individually inform the wire-service consortiums that unless they limit membership to publications, online or off, that provide content only through paid subscriptions, you intend to withdraw immediately from those consortiums."
So wire services would no longer be allowed to provide content to TV and radio stations?
This comment, is spot on because without wire services giving content to the TV, there would be no TV news and news channels. With this being said, there would be no way to receive the news unless you have subscribed, which is very silly, because some people may not be able to subscribe."A monopoly! Exactly the right way to go - can I get some fries with that? "
This is true to a certain extent because if all paywall prices are the same, people are more inclined to buy the more well known newspaper, meaning only one or two newspaper companies will recive sales for their newspaper online.
"Let's see if I understand the major points here:
Only the New York Times and the Washington Post matter.
No real journalism gets done outside print newspapers.
The regional papers all stink and deserve to die.
The AP must kick out the broadcasters and dump the commercial customers, or die.
If we engineer a mass suicide by the entire newspaper industry, kill the Associated Press, strangle the broadcasters and continue to pretend that the rest of the world doesn't exist, we'll ensure the perpetuation of the 1980s Washington Post-New York Times news empire so they can hire 10 reporters in St. Louis.
Did I get the gist of it?"
This person is too extreme, therefore I don't agree with what is saying, because he has taken a childish approach to rebut Simon.My opinion
I think that paywall seems like a good idea, as long as all newspapers do it, if not, they will not make money if there is online news going out for free. I will not pay for news, due to my disposible income, and because i can use BBC news to get news for free and it is a news source that is unbiased.
Feedback NDM Test 1
The second half of the essay just starts to address the question with some interesting points.
The first half is very weak and doesn't lay out a convincing argument at all. not nearly enough focus on the institution.
Written English is poor your opening paragraph is not the way to start an essay.
Need much more focus on the question
Write a new intro paragraph clearly laying out both sides of the argument.
The second half of the essay just starts to address the question with some interesting points.
The first half is very weak and doesn't lay out a convincing argument at all. not nearly enough focus on the institution.
Written English is poor your opening paragraph is not the way to start an essay.
Need much more focus on the question
Write a new intro paragraph clearly laying out both sides of the argument.
1 in 3 teenagers meet social media 'friends' in real life.
This article was about the amount of youth that have met people via social media. For instance meeting someone on twitter and then meeting up with them in person to go for a coffee. There was also a survey done which showed a quarter of youth feel happier online than they do in public or in person. Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat are the most used social network. I was surprised not to see Instagram to be honest.
In my opinion, I believe there is way too much dependence on social media because people are using it more and more each day, meaning they are not allowing normal communication skills, that you need in every job, to come naturally to them because they are too engrossed in the life of people they have never seen in real life, or the life of celebrities that don't even know them and have more money than they have fans.
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Social Media Clues To Pub Shooting Death.
In this article, it is about a man getting shot to death due to a social media fallout according to the police. They looked at his social media accounts and saw arguments on them. I think do people actually fight over social media incidents, especially at the age of 26. However, its just an idea at the moment, but as the police, it is easy to just blame a shooting on social media to give it a bad rep as the police do get ranted about on social media.
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
This article from the Financial Times is about Virgin Media complaining to OFCOM, the regulators of TV about live Premier League matches being to expensive for consumers. The Premier league matches are either on BSkyB (Sky Sports) or Bt (BT Sports). This means that consumers have to spend at least £51 a month to see all games shown on TV live.
Also, in the UK, the price for domestic football is more than any other country and in Spain, Germany and Italy its half the sum.
In my opinion, I think that in order for the prices to go down, OFCOM needs to give any company that shows the Premier League a cap on how much they can charge allowing more people to watch something they are passionate about.
This article from the Financial Times is about Virgin Media complaining to OFCOM, the regulators of TV about live Premier League matches being to expensive for consumers. The Premier league matches are either on BSkyB (Sky Sports) or Bt (BT Sports). This means that consumers have to spend at least £51 a month to see all games shown on TV live.
Also, in the UK, the price for domestic football is more than any other country and in Spain, Germany and Italy its half the sum.
In my opinion, I think that in order for the prices to go down, OFCOM needs to give any company that shows the Premier League a cap on how much they can charge allowing more people to watch something they are passionate about.
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Technology Debate
"The last 20 years have been more significant in the terms of the media and its role in society than the whole of the previous 200 years."
In my opinion, I disagree with that statement because throughout the last 200 years were stepping stones for new and digital media to come through because if it was not for radio and television, media would have been the same from the 18th century. Also I think there has been advances in the technology that would have not happened without that technology originally exists. However new media has made access more tangible and any and everyone can get to it.
In my opinion, I disagree with that statement because throughout the last 200 years were stepping stones for new and digital media to come through because if it was not for radio and television, media would have been the same from the 18th century. Also I think there has been advances in the technology that would have not happened without that technology originally exists. However new media has made access more tangible and any and everyone can get to it.
Second Celebrity Nude Photo Hack Targets Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, and Amber Heard.
This article was on the second batch of nudes released on twitter and instagram of some celebrities. One of which was Rihanna. A quote from one of the people pictured said “It has come to our attention that our private moments, that were shared and deleted solely between my husband and myself, have been leaked by some vultures,” the statement read. “I can’t help but to be reminded that since the dawn of time women and children, specifically women of color, have been victimized, and the power over their own bodies taken from them. These atrocities against women and children continue worldwide. For anyone out there also being affected by these and other hacking and hate crimes — We send our love, support and prayers. We have done nothing wrong.”
In my opinion, I believe is is a breech of privacy and unfair on the women's other halves as us public people have seen their other halves naked, which is something that the husbands or boyfriends should have seen
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
1) Why has Google led to the decline of the newspaper industry?
According to the article, the reason why Google has led to the decline of the newspaper industry is because ad companies and companies looking to advertise now look to the internet to do so, this is because there are more people on the net that read newspapers. Also particular newspapers appeal to particular audiences, but the internet appeals to near enough everyone.
2) Do you personally think Google is to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs? Why?
Google is to blame, however it not a bad thing in itself. Times have changed, so the newspaper industry need to find something they can do to keep journalist in work, something innovative needs to be brought onto the newspaper scene. Once that happens newspaper companies, may not need money from ads but can maybe get their money form elsewhere.
According to the article, the reason why Google has led to the decline of the newspaper industry is because ad companies and companies looking to advertise now look to the internet to do so, this is because there are more people on the net that read newspapers. Also particular newspapers appeal to particular audiences, but the internet appeals to near enough everyone.
2) Do you personally think Google is to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs? Why?
Google is to blame, however it not a bad thing in itself. Times have changed, so the newspaper industry need to find something they can do to keep journalist in work, something innovative needs to be brought onto the newspaper scene. Once that happens newspaper companies, may not need money from ads but can maybe get their money form elsewhere.
NDM 1, 2 and 3
iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Watch: Twitter reacts to Apple's launch event.
This article focuses on the new apple iPhone which will be coming out in mid September and how people took to twitter to give their views on the new iPhone. There was alot of funny tweets that made iPhone seem like a very average phone, this is because people were scrutinizing different faults of previous iPhone in the past.
This story interested me because it is crazy how people now take to social networking sites to take out their frustration on different subjects. Personally I think the iPhone is a good phone, however, it isn't quite on par with the Samsung range quite yet.
Digital journalists have great chance to develop much-needed transparency.
in this article, it talks about how journalist are able to have better quality in their articles due to new and digital media, sources are now better, clarity of images, an also readers are now able to edit some articles, if there are mistakes in it. due to increasing demand to publish quickly, there are obviously going to be mistakes in articles, which can be corrected after they have been published meaning they can kill two birds with one stone.
in my opinion, i think this is a great idea because people are able to correct errors on articles, making them more reliable, however, people may edit things which makes the article wrong, similar to wikipedia.
Mapping Digital Media Series: New media & news – Measuring the Impact
This article talked about research made showing how new and digital media is making things like news papers have a fall in demand.
- The internet is the main alternative platform for content that mainstream media outlets do not carry because of pressure from the state, advertisers, or political parties. It has enlarged debate on sensitive topics.
- Yet digitization has not significantly affected total news diversity. In no case has a new entrant become the leading television station by audience. No pure-player outlet in any country is the most popular outlet by audience.
- Digitization has brought no pressure to reform state broadcasters, or to radically improve the performance of public service media. But digitally-enabled competition has led viewers and listeners in some countries to trust public service and state broadcasters less.
- Where established public service broadcasters have developed a compelling offer on new platforms, they are among the very biggest providers of news. But the long-term efficiency benefits of digitization only become available after very significant new investments.
Above were a few points made in the article showing the impact was quite over exaggerated by other people, as people still buy newspapers and so on.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Production Feedback
Aesthetics:- Overall Level 2. WWW:- Filmed well. EBI:- Better Transitions
Creativity:- Overall Level 2. WWW:- The music and the use of a video was good. EBI:- Step out of my comfort zone, in regards to other software.
Technology:- Overall Level 3: WWW: Have own clip. Lacks own video
Understanding:- Overall Level 3. WWW:- Facts and knowledge was clear. EBI:- Maybe add more facts.
Production Values:- Level 3 WWW:- Nice design. EBI:- Video Clip was too long.
Mr Bush Feedback.
Aesthetics:- Level 2
Creativity:- Level 2
Technology:- Level 3:
Understanding:- Level 3
Production Values:-Level 2
WWW: Good work, strong sense of critical autonomy
EBI: Include a range of shorter clips.
Creativity:- Overall Level 2. WWW:- The music and the use of a video was good. EBI:- Step out of my comfort zone, in regards to other software.
Technology:- Overall Level 3: WWW: Have own clip. Lacks own video
Understanding:- Overall Level 3. WWW:- Facts and knowledge was clear. EBI:- Maybe add more facts.
Production Values:- Level 3 WWW:- Nice design. EBI:- Video Clip was too long.
Mr Bush Feedback.
Aesthetics:- Level 2
Creativity:- Level 2
Technology:- Level 3:
Understanding:- Level 3
Production Values:-Level 2
WWW: Good work, strong sense of critical autonomy
EBI: Include a range of shorter clips.
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
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